By Alex Cosper :-

Metal packaging - a solution to many food safety concerns

Metal packaging - a solution to many food safety concerns

Metal packaging is the solution to many food safety concerns. It's simply a strong, seamless and durable solution for storing food, blocking out contaminants. Aluminum and tinplate are among the most widely used materials in food packaging. Here are reasons why it's safe for metal to touch food. 

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Metal Packaging: How does Packaging and Coloring Affects & Inhibits Purchase-Relevant Neural Response in the Brain

Metal Packaging: How does Packaging and Coloring Affects & Inhibits Purchase-Relevant Neural Response in the Brain

To what degree do consumers manufacture their own mental associations with packaging? Studies show both the packaging material and the coloring play a huge role in attracting their attention. Here's a look at what research has revealed about metal packaging and how it affects the consumer mind.

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Metal Packaging: How to Communicate that a Product is Healthy and Attractive

Metal Packaging: How to Communicate that a Product is Healthy and Attractive

Packages communicate with consumers on a subconscious level, which can affect purchasing decisions. That's why packaging designers must take a deeper interest in consumer psychology and studies on purchasing patterns. Here's a look at how metal packaging must send a message to people's minds that it's healthy and attractive.

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Influencing Consumer Expectations through Sensory Design of Metal Packaging

Influencing Consumer Expectations through Sensory Design of Metal Packaging

Package design plays a significant role in affecting consumer expectations on how a food product tastes and the perceptions of healthiness. It might even have greater impact than what researchers have observed the past few decades. At the core of this finding is multi-sensory perception, in which consumers make decisions based on a combination of inputs from the five basic human senses. Here's a look at how sensory design of metal packaging affects consumer expectations of a product.

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Metal Packaging - Multi-sensory experience in post-COVID times - What we should consider

Metal Packaging - Multi-sensory experience in post-COVID times - What we should consider

 Multi-sensory experiences have been linked to brands over the past century as part of the consumer purchasing decision process. Here are points about touch manufacturers and package designers should consider in the post-COVID era.

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Healthy Food Messages on Packaging addressing Millennials

Healthy Food Messages on Packaging addressing Millennials

Millennials, more than any other age group so far, pay closest attention to packaging content, especially ingredients. A 2019 study at the University of Valencia, Spain explored how food is marketed to millennials. Here are some of the findings of this unique study on millennials and their attraction to healthy food messages.

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Multisensory Packaging Design: Transferring the sensation of packaging on the product

Multisensory Packaging Design: Transferring the sensation of packaging on the product

Understanding consumer behavior is the main reason packaging designers should take an interest in how multisensory packaging affects consumer decisions. While every consumer makes decisions based on their own personal experiences, certain packaging themes appeal to certain market segments. Here are essential themes of multisensory packaging that designers should explore.

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Multisensory Packaging Design: Individual differences among consumers

Multisensory Packaging Design: Individual differences among consumers

Consumers have a need for touch the same way retailers have a need to sell products. But it's a mistake to assume all consumers respond the same way to the same stimuli. Every individual coexists with thousands of marketing campaigns wrapped in packaging techniques trying to get their attention. Here are important points for designers to consider about multisensory perceptions among consumers when crafting a new package.

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Multisensory Packaging Design: Combining Various Aspects

Multisensory Packaging Design: Combining Various Aspects

Consumers base buying decisions on what their senses, memories and emotions tell them. That's why packaging design should provide multisensory stimuli congruent with brand themes that connect with followers. Here are ways designers can apply knowledge about multisensory processes to packaging designs.

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