By Alex Cosper :-

How to design a valuable metal packaging

How to design a valuable metal packaging

Metal packaging is among the safest solutions for preserving a food or cosmetic product. It's also eco-friendly since it's recyclable and it's economical because it's lower cost than other packaging materials. Here are essential points to remember about designing metal packaging. 

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Chocolate, biscuits & confectionery: tracking packaging with AI technology

Chocolate, biscuits & confectionery: tracking packaging with AI technology

In the age of AI technology, numbers can be crunched to fit financial and shipping goals. The packaging of chocolate, biscuits and confectionery is no different in terms of modernizing supply chains to keep better track of product data. Here's a look at how automation and machine learning are playing an important role in food packaging. 

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Colors and Emotions - Part 3

Colors and Emotions - Part 3

Investigations into what colors mean and how they influence consumers have brought marketers and packaging designers a mix of clarity and appetite for deeper knowledge. While there are plenty of studies to draw from to make useful assumptions about new designs, there are still many unanswered questions about the relationship between colors and emotions. Here are some of the findings that many researchers agree upon that can help designers understand why colors play a major role in consumer choices and behavior.

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Colors and Emotions - Part 2

Colors and Emotions - Part 2

People understand and react to colors in mysterious ways. Some colors can elicit both positive or negative responses while others lean more in one direction. Most colors, other than gray, are associated with overall positive emotions. That's what years of color research has found, yet scientists still haven't answered some of the deepest questions about the connection between colors, emotions and behavior.

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Colors and Emotions - Part 1

Colors and Emotions - Part 1

 The link between colors and emotions taps into deep psychology that is still not completely understood by researchers. While it's clear that color can be perceived and felt in multiple ways, packaging designers can use known studies of the past century and earlier to gain insight in how colors play a compelling role in attracting consumers in retail stores and affecting purchasing decisions. 

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Ideas for Unique Packaging

Ideas for Unique Packaging

At one time not much thought went into packaging food products other than whatever it took to keep food from spoiling and provide the longest possible shelf life. But in recent decades, marketers have been diving deeper into psychological research that helps connect visual stimulation with consumer behaviour. Here are unique ideas for modern food packaging.

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Evolution of Metal Cans for Food Packaging

Evolution of Metal Cans for Food Packaging

The food packaging industry has gone through many changes since the rise of the first metal packages. Industrialization was the driving force behind metal being an early choice of material for the mass commercialization of food products. Here are key turning points in history since the industrial revolution that have led to the current state of increasing demand for packaging made with aluminum and other metals.

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Rise of smart packaging (with wireless heated containers)

Rise of smart packaging (with wireless heated containers)

Smart packaging includes modern technology such as RFID chips that communicate with manufacturers, warehouses and retailers. The addition of wireless heating in containers has provided new opportunities for food marketers to sell modern conveniences. Smart technology is helping reduce waste, track products more closely and provide longer shelf live.

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Trends in Food Packaging

Trends in Food Packaging

Food packaging is much different today than most of the 20th century. It has gone through a metamorphosis from plain, simple and utility-based packaging to more elaborate and creative designs. Metal is steadily gaining favor over plastic for sustainability reasons, as consumers are becoming increasingly more aware of environmental issues. Here's a deeper look at important food packaging trends heading into the 2020s.

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