By Alex Cosper :-

Why the COSMetic Organic Standard (COSMOS) is an Opportunity for Private Label Cosmetics

Why the COSMetic Organic Standard (COSMOS) is an Opportunity for Private Label Cosmetics

The COSMetic Organic Standard is an important add on for private label cosmetics manufacturers. It can give even a lesser known brand credibility and a competitive edge, especially versus products that do not carry this organic or natural signature on packaging. Here are reasons why a private label cosmetics maker should consider adhering to this globally-recognized standard.

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How packaging design influences taste impressions and product evaluations

How packaging design influences taste impressions and product evaluations

A recent study by researchers in The Netherlands raised questions how packaging design affects consumer perceptions of taste and price expectations.

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Cosmetic Organic Standard - Important Facts on Packaging & Labeling

Cosmetic Organic Standard - Important Facts on Packaging & Labeling

The COSMOS standard is sought globally by cosmetics companies to verify the organic or natural ingredients of associated products.

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How to Earn the COSMOS Organic Signature for Cosmetic Products

How to Earn the COSMOS Organic Signature for Cosmetic Products

The COSMOS Organic Certificate and Signature is followed by cosmetics brands aiming to reach a market that values eco-friendly solutions. In order to use the organic signature a company must be approved by the certification body prior to the launch of the product. Here's a summary of what designers and marketers should keep in mind about compliance with the COSMOS Organic Signature requirements.

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Understanding COSMOS - the COSMetics Organic and natural Standard

Understanding COSMOS - the COSMetics Organic and natural Standard

The COSMOS standard provides  international industry guidelines for organic and natural products to cosmetics producers  or marketer and certifies compliance.

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Private Label Cosmetics: Suitable Packaging Materials

Private Label Cosmetics: Suitable Packaging Materials

Packaging for conventional cosmetics products needs to be both attractive and practical. The same concept applies to private label cosmetics, especially for items that are promoted for quality as well as affordability. Major brands usually have a built-in advantage due to wider exposure in the market. A private label can gain an edge by using more sustainable and durable packaging materials.

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PCD Conference, Paris 2018

PCD Conference, Paris 2018

Packaging, cosmetics and design industry professionals will gather at the 2018 PCD Conference in Paris, France from January 31 through February 1. The annual event focuses on perfume cosmetics with presentations by experts on topics such as regulations, sustainability and printing technology. Here are important reasons for cosmetics vendors to attend this two-day conference programme.

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Private Label Cosmetics: Optimizing Positioning and Product Line

Private Label Cosmetics: Optimizing Positioning and Product Line

Private label cosmetics are sold under a retailer's brand name and may be created by the retailer for exclusive marketing purposes. 

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Private Label Cosmetics: How Business Cycles have Influence on Success

Private Label Cosmetics: How Business Cycles have Influence on Success

Private labels have grown enormously in recent decades for a variety of reasons, but this growth can generally be tied to the overall economy. During economic booms a nation's market share of private label brands, including cosmetics, usually declines while during economic downturns it increases. Here's a deeper look into how business cycles affect private labels.

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