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Food packaging design and consumer perception of the product quality, safety, healthiness and preference:Effect of packaging material on the consumers

Food packaging design and consumer perception of the product quality, safety, healthiness and preference:Effect of packaging material on the consumers

Consumer perceptions of quality, safety and healthiness affect food purchasing decisions among various sectors of society. Packaging designers must look at current trends and realize that environmental and health concerns are much more pronounced today than in the past. Here's a look at how studies continue to point to the need for packaging designers to focus more on sustainable solutions.

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Innovation and Design Process for Pharmaceutical Packaging

Innovation and Design Process for Pharmaceutical Packaging

One of the major industries facing enormous packaging design challenges is pharma. A crucial challenge is to craft more innovative and inclusive features without taking away from informative labeling. Various stakeholders have a wide range of demands that are difficult for packaging designers to balance with utility and aesthetics. Here's a look at what pharmaceutical companies need to consider to improve packaging.

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Drivers, barriers and performance outcomes of sustainable packaging

Drivers, barriers and performance outcomes of sustainable packaging

Three key barriers exist that limit the development of sustainable packaging. Those barriers are cost/benefit ambiguity, additional costs, and trade-offs between package requirements. These barriers partly relate to company size. Here's a look at how a focus on environmental issues will help lead businesses toward sustainable packaging solutions.

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Carative Factors in the Design of Packaging - Benevolence

Carative Factors in the Design of Packaging - Benevolence

Benevolence is the quality of kindness, which can be conveyed in packaging design as part of what attracts customers. The carative nature of benevolence makes it a crucial element of packaging design that helps prospects decide whether or not to buy the product. Here's a look at how benevolence can be an important and effective theme in packaging.

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Carative Factors in the Design of Packaging - Empathy

Carative Factors in the Design of Packaging - Empathy

The carative factor of empathy in packaging design is a signal to the consumer that the manufacturer understands their feelings about the problem the product solves. This understanding is important in today's wide range of online choices for consumers at their fingertips. Showing empathy helps a brand stand out and connect better with followers. Here are important points to know about embedding empathy in packaging design.

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Carative Factors in the Design of Packaging - Commitment

Carative Factors in the Design of Packaging - Commitment

The concept of carative factors has expanded from the nursing world to packaging design. Carative factors relate to thoughtful ideas embedded in packaging that communicate directly the consumer. These factors help convey the company's mission and concern for the individual who purchases the product. Here's a look at how the carative element of commitment can be applied to packaging design to improve the brand-consumer relationship.

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Carative Factors in the Design of Packaging - Responsibility

Carative Factors in the Design of Packaging - Responsibility

One of the main carative factors related to business sustainability is responsibilty in packaging design. Consumers might not buy a product if they don't see it in a nice package. At the same time, the packaging designer must not compromise safety for aesthetics or other commercial concerns. Here's a deeper look into how responsibility correlates with packaging.

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Carative Factors in the Design of Packaging - Introduction

Carative Factors in the Design of Packaging - Introduction

The concept of carative factors relates to human awareness of what should be done for proper care of something or someone. It's a concept that has entered the minds of packaging designers on how to craft more sustainable packaging. Issues of waste reduction and environmental protection have become business issues because they affect finance and the future cost of resources. Here's a look at carative factors relating to packaging design.

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Metal Packaging - How Packaging Design Affects Product Evaluations

Metal Packaging - How Packaging Design Affects Product Evaluations

Packaging design can make a huge difference in how consumers perceive products. It also plays a significant role in shaping purchasing decisions. Does the package communicate what the target consumer expects? That's the question designers must face. Here's a look at how research backs the theory that colors and other design features on packaging affect buying behavior.

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