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Spending less for Gifts in times of crisis - How Fancy Tins can convey value

Spending less for Gifts in times of crisis - How Fancy Tins can convey value

Fancy tins give packaging an extra flare even in times of economic uncertainty. During times of war or other crises, it's typical that prices rise for both supply chains and consumers. Inflation can cut into expenses to the point people must reconsider how they make ends meet. Here's a look at why fancy tins are an excellent choice for cost-cutting gifts while maintaining the appearance of stunning beauty.

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Future of Packaging

Future of Packaging

The ubiquitous nature of packaging, particularly for food, makes it a field that touches the lives of most consumers. The future of packaging has been a topic among experts from business consulting firm McKinsey, such as David Feber, Daniel Nordigarden and Nick Santhanam. These analysts point to key themes for future packaging, which include smarter, more personalized and reusable containers.

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5 Trends in Packaging - and how to respond

5 Trends in Packaging - and how to respond

The packaging industry is going through a transformation in the 2020s toward goals in achieving greater efficiency. At the core of this transformation is an emphasis on technology and systems that save time and money. Here are five important trends in packaging that are expected to have long-term impact on consumers.

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4 Inspiring Design Trends in Metal Packaging

4 Inspiring Design Trends in Metal Packaging

One of the constants of branding has been communicating a brand's evolution over time to show its resilience through different trends. While some packaging trends come and go, certain trends that result from new research on consumer psychology have lasting impact. According to the head of brand marketing for 99designs, Caitlin Collins, the following four trends are impacting the current approaches to packaging design.

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How Do Consumer Awareness and Expectations Affect Shopping Behaviour?

How Do Consumer Awareness and Expectations Affect Shopping Behaviour?

Does every consumer who is aware of sustainable issues practice them? No, but awareness of green products that is associate with positive expectations can be a catalyst for purchasing decisions. The deeper the awareness, the closer the consumer moves to consider a purchase. It's essential for both manufacturers and product packaging designers to understand the relationship between consumer awareness, expectations, and purchasing decisions.

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The Association between the image created by product packaging and travel destinations

The Association between the image created by product packaging and travel destinations

How does a product shape or reflect consumer perceptions of a travel destination? The tourism industry has found that images created on the product packaging of souvenirs play a significant role in associating with a vacation experience. Here's a look at the theoretical and management implications of product packaging influencing traveler perceptions of destinations.

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Unconscious emotional effects of packaging design elements

Unconscious emotional effects of packaging design elements

Packaging design can be understood as the final barrier that separates the product from the consumer. Studies show a consumer's emotional response to the package and its design elements plays a crucial role in their purchasing decisions. Here's what packaging designers should know about emotions associated with metal packaging that can affect purchasing decisions.

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Perceptual Fluency - How clear messaging on packaging helps prioritize purchase decisions

Perceptual Fluency - How clear messaging on packaging helps prioritize purchase decisions

Exploring the perceptual fluency of consumers is a way to look deeper into consumer purchasing decisions. It's an area of consumer psychology in which researchers have barely scratched the surface, but it provides interesting insights to how shoppers respond to packaging design cues. Here's a look at the importance clear messaging plays on packaging.

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The Role of Emotions in Product Evaluation and its Impact on Packaging

The Role of Emotions in Product Evaluation and its Impact on Packaging

Discrete emotions and global feelings are two categories that shape people's responses to the world around them. Discrete emotions are basic, such as happiness and sadness. Global feelings relate to the dimensions of pleasure, which is associated with satisfaction, and arousal, which is a higher level of excitement.

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