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Evolution of Metal Cans for Food Packaging

Evolution of Metal Cans for Food Packaging

The food packaging industry has gone through many changes since the rise of the first metal packages. Industrialization was the driving force behind metal being an early choice of material for the mass commercialization of food products. Here are key turning points in history since the industrial revolution that have led to the current state of increasing demand for packaging made with aluminum and other metals.

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Rise of smart packaging (with wireless heated containers)

Rise of smart packaging (with wireless heated containers)

Smart packaging includes modern technology such as RFID chips that communicate with manufacturers, warehouses and retailers. The addition of wireless heating in containers has provided new opportunities for food marketers to sell modern conveniences. Smart technology is helping reduce waste, track products more closely and provide longer shelf live.

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Suitable Materials for packaging food

Suitable Materials for packaging food

The packaging of biscuits and confectionary involves creativity, as well as paying attention to safety regulations and consumer behaviors. Here's a deeper look at what a food packaging designer should be aware of when deciding on suitable materials.

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Digital Printing With The RGB Colour Model

Digital Printing With The RGB Colour Model

As online shopping increases, people view products digitally before making a decision to buy. The photographic quality of digital printing which uses the RGB colour model has an important role to play.

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How Aluminium and Tinplate are Better Than Plastic Packages

How Aluminium and Tinplate are Better Than Plastic Packages

The European Union wants a circular economy that is sustainable and environmentally friendly, and is promoting recycled packaging materials as one of the means to achieve this objective. Aluminium and tinplate are considered ideal due to the various environmental and economic advantages they have over ubiquitous plastic containers.

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CMYK: Colour Separation Model for Printing

CMYK: Colour Separation Model for Printing

The colour separation technique or CMYK printing, which made colour prints possible, has been around for more than a century. Since the 1990s, it is possible to print with the eight-colour-process with a single pass.

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Anamorphosis: How to print on circular and round metal objects?

Anamorphosis: How to print on circular and round metal objects?

Printing on circular and round objects is often a very challenging task. When an image designed for a flat surface is placed on a curved object it can become distorted. This can be seen on maps of earth. This article explains how anamorphic correction can produce compelling results. 

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Environmental Impacts of Plastics vs. Metals: Which is better?

Environmental Impacts of Plastics vs. Metals: Which is better?

Waste of all kinds has become a pressing issue in today’s modern world. One of the most prevalent forms of waste we see on a daily basis is packaging waste: often from food, drinks, or other perishables.

The amount of packaging waste created has been steadily increasing and the EU is currently at the staggering yearly per capita rate of 167 kg [6].

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Popularity of Metal Packaging is Increasing

Popularity of Metal Packaging is Increasing

The popularity and demand for metal packaging is growing, spurred by economic and social factors as well as environmental awareness around the world. The main sector driving the demand is the food and beverage industry.

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