Desjardin Blog

Why Metal Packaging Works for Global Business

Written by Alex Cosper | September 13, 2024

Metal packaging has been used around the world since it emerged as a widespread European solution in the early 1800s. In the 2020s the global metal packaging market has surpassed $150 billion, according to Research and Markets. Here's a look at why global manufacturers can gain market superiority by embracing metal packaging.

Global Firms Require Production Efficiency

The internet helped facilitate new global markets in the 21st century. While it's now possible for any manufacturer to reach a global market thanks to websites, e-commerce solutions and social media, it's still practical for only select businesses that adopt certain efficiency standards. Packaging plays an important role in profit margins by keeping global distribution within a manageable scope.

Deciding on the right packaging materials is key to keeping production and distribution costs under control. Local businesses don't have to worry as much about the most robust packaging choices, but global firms are different. In order to win the hearts and minds of consumers from various countries, it's essential for a global manufacturer to use bulletproof precision when it comes to protecting products. One bad delivery experience can cause a consumer to abandon a brand quickly. But global firms that keep an eye on customer satisfaction can overshadow competitors if they reduce damage and tampering of products during the shipping process.

Choosing metal such as steel, aluminum or tinplate as a packaging material elevates production efficiency to a level that takes customer satisfaction into account as a top priority. Metal is among the most reliable solutions for protecting products as they move through supply chains. Global distribution may involve a product being touched by a multitude of hands from one distribution hub to another. Investing in the most protective packaging solutions helps reduce returns and other forms of waste.

Fitting Into Different Regional Regulations

Global business leaders must make sure they are on top of different laws that impact different parts of the world. In terms of shipping, many nations are now putting restrictions on certain types of materials to reduce waste. Single-use plastics, for example, have been banned in Canada, which aims for zero plastic waste by 2030.

The reason metal packaging has been praised instead of criticized on a global scale is that it's very conducive to sustainability. At the core of many emerging packaging regulations is the question of how sustainable the material is. How much of it can be recycled without loss of quality? When it comes to metal, all of it can be recycled or repurposed, although not all of it is. Even so, metal accounts for the highest about of recycling of any packaging material. Aluminum cans are particularly popular items in the world of recycling.

By adopting metal packaging, a global manufacturer can plan many years in advance realistic costs of distribution. Those that have chosen plastics may run into complex regulatory issues in the future that make distribution costs and researching alternatives more uncertain. Visionary leadership can avoid these unexpected pitfalls by focusing on various types of metal that not only give maximum protection to products, but allow for versatile printing and shaping associated with packaging. Sometimes the shape of a package can make a significant difference in shipping costs.

Metal Packaging as a Global Solution

The global market for metal packaging is expected to reach $188 billion by 2028, according to Research and Markets. Some of the main reasons for the rising demand in metal packaging are its product protection capabilities and how it can make brands stand out on retail shelves. It's mainly been the food and beverage industry that accounts for this market growth.

The proliferation of new organic and energy beverages, driven by health-conscious consumers, has been part of the increasing demand for aluminum cans. Out of all the different types of metal packaging, aluminum is the most versatile and the most lightweight, yet provides air-tight protection and durability. Furthermore, it can be shaped however the manufacturer desires in order to meet the expectations of specific market segment consumers.

Since aluminum is so versatile, it's an excellent packaging solution that can be crafted to fit specific regions of the world. Each region has its own unique profile when it comes to consumer awareness and sustainability issues. But every region must understand that aluminum is the most recycled packaging material on the planet. That's why a global food and beverage producer should consider aluminum as a top choice for universally-accepted eco-friendly packaging.

Choosing the right packaging material now puts a producer ahead of the curve, so that a decade from now packaging is not a controversy. Packaging needs to be baked into long-term cost efficiency equations. Metal has contributed to these equations for a long time and will continue to do so far into the distant future.