Why Tinplate Cans are a Clean Packaging Choice

by Alex Cosper on January 03, 2025

It's important for food manufacturers to choose packaging that consumers readily identify as clean. Certain types of packaging materials, such as paper or plastic, can get easily degraded during shipping if exposed to bad weather or poor handling. Metal, though, is a superior choice for maintaining a sharp and crisp attractive appearance. Here's why metal packaging works for maintaining a clean look throughout its journey from the factory to the consumer.

Tinplate Protects Against Environmental Hazards

One of the strongest arguments for manufacturers adopting tinplate packaging is that it offers effective protection against unhealthy bacteria and germs. It's excellent for blocking oxygen from entering the package so that the contents do not spoil or lose nutritional value. Tinplate also guards against the negative effects of ultraviolet sunlight with its air-tight properties. Air and light can speed up the cycle for food to be safely consumed.

A common cause of food spoilage is due to air and light exposure, which triggers chemical change. Not only can oxidized food impact flavor and color, mold can grow with the proliferation of microorganisms. Furthermore, it can lead to a foul odor. Once the food is removed from the can and becomes leftovers, it's a good idea to wrap it in foil, which is another effective metal solution to block out air and light.

Shine Reinforces Clean Appearance

Tinplate can be shiny or grayish, depending on the packaging designer's preference for what is relevant toward a particular food product. Either way, metal can be attractive, but shine has a stronger connection with human emotions that relate to safety and cleanliness. People have somewhat of a spiritual connection with shiny objects. It's a feeling that conveys a special nature due to the long history of metal containers as widely accepted solutions for preservation.

A shiny box or cylinder is like a treasure chest with a secure lock. People can envision food being safe from environmental elements more clearly when they are reminded by metal's shine. Plastic simply doesn't have the same magical effect no matter how fancy it looks. Since it's easier to print on metal than plastic, there's less chance of smudging the text on metal. Any hard-to-read labeling is a red flag to consumers that the brand is careless.

The more consumers worry about red flags they see on packaging, the less likely they will purchase anything made by the brand. That's why packaging design is so important - it influences the purchasing decision. Dropping a paper, plastic or glass container on the ground can instantly damage the item, which can make the package look used and dirty. But dropping a tinplate item on the ground usually doesn't lead to visible damage.

A Step Toward Eco-friendliness

Another smart reason to choose tinplate for food packaging is that it's environmentally friendly. It's one of the safest packaging solutions to protect the planet and human health. Most metal can be recycled and used an unlimited number of times, which reduces the strain on growing landfills around the world. The more people embrace sustainable solutions, the cleaner the environment will be.

Metal of any type can be considered a sustainable choice for containing food products by virtue of its physical qualities. Tinplate is typically made of steel covered with tin, which gives it double layers of protection. It can be easily shaped so that corners are smooth and seamless, which is key to its air-tight structure. Acting as a solid barrier between food and the environment, tinplate commands longer shelf life than paper or plastic packaging.

Food is less likely to be wasted if it is stored in a metal container. The factors of strength and shelf life add up to less concern that the food must be consumed immediately. Fresh produce that isn't well packaged can only stay in the refrigerator for a matter of days or a few weeks. Sometimes people forget what they store in the refrigerator, leading to spoiled food that must be thrown out. Keeping food unopened in tinplate cans, though, eliminates this problem. 

Yes, Clean Appearance Matters

Besides giving the grocery shopper a sense of ease, clean packaging is extremely important for achieving maximum shelf life. If the retailer thinks the item looks damaged in any way, its management will likely notify the manufacturer or distributor the item cannot be sold. Dented cans can be recalled, but metal is generally indestructible. In most cases metal packaging looks shiny and new while evoking imagery of strength.


Topics: Tinplate Cans, Metal Packaging

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