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La Popularité des Emballages en Métal Augmente

La Popularité des Emballages en Métal Augmente

La popularité et la demande d’emballages en métal est en augmentation, stimulée par des facteurs économiques et sociaux, ainsi que par une prise de conscience environnementale au niveau mondial. L’industrie des aliments et boissons est le secteur principal se trouvant derrière cette croissance.

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Préserver la Qualité des Aliments en Conserve

Préserver la Qualité des Aliments en Conserve

Les mesures de sécurité alimentaires ont pour objectif de garantir l’absence de contamination microbiologique ou de toxines dans les aliments en boite. Le processus de mise en conserve peut varier en fonction des aliments, du récipient et du type de contamination.

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Comment le Fer-blanc est-il Traité ?

Comment le Fer-blanc est-il Traité ?

Le fer-blanc est l’un des matériaux d’emballage respectueux de l’environnement. Le fer-blanc est constitué de feuilles d’acier dont chaque face est revêtue d’étain. Il combine la résistance de l’acier à la corrosion et la soudabilité de l’étain.

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Comment la Forme et les Bruits influencent la perception d’Acidité et de Sucré

Comment la Forme et les Bruits influencent la perception d’Acidité et de Sucré

Le public associe les goûts, arômes et les saveurs à la forme, au nom et aux bruits des emballages, d’après une étude de l’Université d’Oxford. Comprendre ces combinaisons de perceptions sensorielles peut aider les designers d’emballage à améliorer la communication avec les consommateurs.

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The Role of Graphics and Color in Metal packaging

The Role of Graphics and Color in Metal packaging

Packaging designers understand the importance of graphics and color in metal packaging. Visual stimuli drives emotions and can play a pivotal role in product purchasing decisions among consumers. Color alone can account for up to 90% of an individual's decision as to whether he or she likes a product, according to a 2006 study by Singh. Here are important considerations for designers in their focus on graphics and color.

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Understanding the relation between packaging design and consumer response

Understanding the relation between packaging design and consumer response

Even long before packaging design became a focus among marketers, there has always been a sense that aesthetics has had something to do with why people are attracted to certain products. Now in the new millennium a growing body of evidence confirms that visual stimuli is a huge factor in purchasing choices at physical stores. Here's a deeper look at how consumers respond to packaging design.

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Understanding the consumer impact of aesthetic packaging design

Understanding the consumer impact of aesthetic packaging design

The psychology of packaging design has become a top concern of marketers, as evidence accumulates that visual aesthetics play a major role of a product's success. Research shows that aesthetic package design leads to an increase in the time consumers spend on making decisions. In fact, the more aesthetics offered by the package, the better chance it has of being chosen over name brands that come in standardized packages, regardless of price.

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How consumers will associate shape of metal packaging with specific attributes

How consumers will associate shape of metal packaging with specific attributes

Effective marketing strategies depend on shape of packaging and semantics that associate with the product. Tests have shown relationships between packaging and brand attributes, which can benefit packaging designers who base their solutions on sensory marketing. While these semantic associations are unique for each individual, this knowledge is still important for marketers to understand. Here's a deeper look at how the shape of packaging conveys meanings to consumers.

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Metal packaging of food or cosmetics in the USA - what is generally recognized as safe?

Metal packaging of food or cosmetics in the USA - what is generally recognized as safe?

The United States Congress passed a set of laws known as the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C) in 1938. FD&C gave the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the authority to oversee the safety of food, drugs and cosmetic products. The impetus behind passing the FD&C Act was to prevent tragedies, such as the instance of more than 100 patients dying as a result of using diethylene glycol to dissolve a sulfanilamide medication to be used in a liquid form from reoccurring.

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